
OfficeSource Lateral File Collection 2 Drawer Lateral File

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Lateral File Collection

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  • Overview
  • Are you having trouble organizing your important documents and files? Although you sort them out, you may still find it a difficult task to locate them later. If this scenario sounds familiar, you should invest in this two drawer lateral file from OfficeSource. With its two large drawers, this file cabinet offers sufficient space for accommodating the piles of important files that need sorted and organized. This cabinet comes complete with an interlock system, preventing the chances of tipping. The heavy duty design with a full pull drawer system adds sophistication to this essential piece of office furniture. Crafted with high quality material, this sturdy two drawer lateral file is highly durable and will serve you for years to come.
  • Sleek and stylish
  • Robustness and durability
  • Affordable Rate
  • Appropriate storage capacity
  • Limited Lifetime
  • Specifications
  • Additional Information
    - Environmental Friendly
    - RTA
  • Shipping

    Product Weight (Lbs): 125.66
  • Resources

Are you having trouble organizing your important documents and files? Although you sort them out, you may still find it a difficult task to locate them later. If this scenario sounds familiar, you should invest in this two drawer lateral file from OfficeSource. With its two large drawers, this file cabinet offers sufficient space for accommodating the piles of important files that need sorted and organized. This cabinet comes complete with an interlock system, preventing the chances of tipping. The heavy duty design with a full pull drawer system adds sophistication to this essential piece of office furniture. Crafted with high quality material, this sturdy two drawer lateral file is highly durable and will serve you for years to come.
  • Sleek and stylish
  • Robustness and durability
  • Affordable Rate
  • Appropriate storage capacity
  • Limited Lifetime
    - Environmental Friendly
    - RTA


    Carton Weight (Lbs): 138.89 LBS
    Product Weight (Lbs): 125.66
    Olivia Virtual COE Distributing Assistant